Relationships Education

Relationships and Sex Education at Corpus Christi

The 1996 Education Act places responsibility for the school’s policy on RSE in the hands of governors. Governors therefore must be aware of their responsibilities for the policy and provision of RSE in their schools and comply with statutory requirements. (See section on ‘Statutory requirements’). Whilst recognising their responsibility for determining general policy, it is important that the governors acknowledge the responsibility of the head teacher and staff to use their professional expertise in delivering the curriculum in accordance with that policy. It is the responsibility of the governing body to check that the content and organisation of RSE complies with the policy set by them. It is also essential that governors involve parents and carers in developing and reviewing their policy, as outlined above.

 Governors will:

·         draw up an up-to-date and fit-for-purpose RSE policy, in consultation with parents, carers and teachers;

·         ensure that the policy is available to parents and carers;

·         ensure that parents  and carers know of their right to withdraw their children and young people;

·         ensure that the policy is in accordance with other whole school policies, e.g., SEND, the ethos of the school as well as Catholic teaching;

·         ensure that the policy provides proper and adequate coverage of relevant National Curriculum Science topics and the setting of RSE within Personal Social Health Education (PSHE);

·         ensure that RSE provision is included in the school’s annual self-evaluation and that necessary improvements to it are included in the school development plan.


The head teacher takes overall delegated responsibility for the implementation of the RSE policy and its integration into the school’s curriculum and Catholic life. The head teacher will also liaise with the governing body, parents and carers, the diocese, the Local Education Authority where appropriate, those responsible for academies and academy chains and any other appropriate agencies.

Head teachers have a particular duty to respect and support the primary role of parents in this field. They should make alternative arrangements if parents express the right to withdraw children and young people from RSE (Section 405 of the Education Act 1996) and provide material for parents to help the children and young people with their learning. The head teacher should ensure that there is a statement in the school prospectus on RSE and that the details of the RSE curriculum are included on the school website. The duty to publish details of the RSE programme on the school website is mandatory.

The governors at Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School have adopted the ‘Journey in Love’ programme to support the non-statutory relationships and sex education. This is a scheme of work directed at all classes, from Nursery to Year 6.  The programme of study is authentic to the teaching of the Catholic Church and recommended by the Liverpool Archdiocese.

the RSE section of our PSHE DREAM Curriculum. This is taught using Journey in Love, a scheme approved by the Bishops of England and Wales and in place at the direction of the Archdiocese of Liverpool. At the heart of this resource, is the belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God and that our relationships and choices are all part of God’s plan for us. It teaches the children that, whatever choices people make, God made us and He loves us. We are made in His image, reflecting His beauty and sharing His divine creativity. Each lesson, from Reception to Year 6, includes scripture and prayer, building the links with church teachings and the children’s relationships with God.

In the earlier years, the teachings cover important relationships in our lives and our basic body parts, made with God’s love. In Year 5, Puberty and reproduction cycles are covered and in Year 6 the act of reproduction is taught.

Parents are informed of the lesson content and permission is sought before the lessons are completed. At Corpus Christi, we believe that parents are the first teachers of our children and that they should play the main role in this aspect of their education. Journey in Love lessons are taught by the class teacher and boys and girls are taught together. The relationship, honesty and openness that is developed between children and their class teacher is a vital component of Journey in Love, ensuring children feel safe and secure to share ideas, voice opinions and ask questions.

As children progress through school, they discover more and more about themselves and the wider world.  This thirst for learning new things in all aspects of life is fostered by the school, who attempt to create a safe, stimulating environment for learning; supporting all children in their development.  Our mission statement, which drives the school, attempts to achieve this goal following the Gospel values of discovery and respect, understanding our journey as children of God, both special and unique.

Central to our work within the school is learning about our faith, including understanding ourselves, our position in our community and how we develop as human beings - our spiritual, social, emotional and physical development.  This is how A Journey in Love fits in to the school’s curriculum.  The scheme permeates through all levels of learning throughout the school.  It focuses on friendship, family, community, relationships and spirituality; a guide to the children’s development as young Catholics.

As you would expect, not all issues related to personal development are covered by the end of Year 6.  The content is age appropriate and is taught with sensitivity, taking into account the children’s level of maturity in regard to the delivery of the lessons.

As with all aspects of learning, children are naturally curious and many will have questions related to their lessons.  Opportunities to discuss questions form part of the lessons and, again, these are treated with care and understanding.

As part of our commitment to you, we will hold a meeting annually for the parents and carers to discuss the programme.  You have the right to withdraw your child from this aspect of the curriculum however, this is not to be confused with curriculum Science which is statutory.  

If you require any further clarification regarding this aspect of the curriculum please contact: Mrs Friar, Executive Head Teacher, or Mrs Bailey, Acting Deputy Head Teacher and RSE Co-ordinator.

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Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Old Lane,
Merseyside, WA11 8JF