
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and visitors to share this commitment. 

Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and concerns must always be reported.

The designated teacher for Safeguarding and Child Protection is Anne-Louise Friar, the Executive Head teacher.

The deputy designated teacher for Safeguarding and Child Protection is Katie Bailey, the Deputy Head teacher.

The School Governor responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Jane Monk. Her contact details are available via the the school office if you feel that you have concerns that cannot be dealt with by the designated staff at the school.

All staff receive regular training in Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Please find below the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy along with some useful contact information.

VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL: Please note - you are not allowed to use your mobile phone when on the school premises. This is to avoid any misunderstandings and protect children and visitors.

Multi Agency Partners for  Safeguarding Contact Phone Numbers
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School  01744 678102

Contact Centre / First Response

  • To make referrals to social services if you have concerns about a child at risk.
01744 456600

Changing Lives

  • Emotional health support.
0151 547 7800

Children’s Disability Service

  •  The Bridge Centre

 ( School age children)

01744 674109
Adoption Service 01744 671202
Educational Psychology Service 01744 671125
School Health 01744 892868
Young Carers 01744 454802
St Helens Carers Centre 01744 675615
Continence Service 01744 626701
Homestart 0800 0686368
NSPCC 01744 614682
Domestic Violence Team 0151 777 1579

There are other resources available to support families. Please speak with the school office if you wish to know more and they will direct you to the right person to help you.

Information can also be found on 
At any point anyone can report a concern they have about a child -

If you are concerned about Child Sexual Exploitation -

If you have concerns about radicalisation and extremism or believe your child is at risk then please contact the school and speak with Mrs Birchall, Miss Mowatt or Mrs Martin.

Illegal terrorist information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet can be reported here

Files to Download

We would LOVE to Hear from you

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Old Lane,
Merseyside, WA11 8JF