Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Vogel
Class Teacher
Mrs Sharples
Class Teacher
A warm welcome to Year 6's class page.
In Year 6, we are proud of our children and everything we do- this page provides details of the upcoming curriculum for Spring 2025 and all of the exciting learning opportunities that will take place. If you have any questions or require more information, please get in touch. Many thanks,
Mrs Vogel and Mrs Sharples
SATs Preparation
During the Spring term we will beginning our SATs preparation. The children will be invited to booster sessions after school and during lunchtimes to help prepare for the future assessments in May.
Religious Education

Our topics this term:
Local Church-During this topic the children will discuss the experience of community is an essential and enjoyable part of life for people of every age and faith. The cycle of a year and the span of a lifetime contain occasions for regular celebrations as well as unexpected surprises, when people want to celebrate with family, friends and communities.
Eucharist- Eucharist enables people to live in communion. The children will learn that for Christians, communion has a significant meaning. To receive communion means being in union with Jesus Christ and with one another. It means breaking and sharing the consecrated Bread which Catholics believe is the Body of Christ.
Death and New Life (Easter)- During this topic we will discuss how Loss and death bring about change for people. They will and learn about the Church’s seasons of Lent, Holy Week and Easter; the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus led to new life.

Reading - reading books for enjoyment will be sent home on Fridays.
English and Maths - sent home on Wednesday and due back on Monday.
Spelling Test-. sent home on Wednesday and test completed on Tuesday
TTRockstars is always available to complete online whenever the children have any spare time for revision.

Our PE topics this term are:
Spring Term 1
Spring Term 2
PE Kit: outdoor kit with navy blue jogging bottoms/shorts, white T-shirt, socks and trainers; indoor kit with white T-shirt, blue shorts, socks and pumps.
During this Spring term, we will looking at a range of genres, including:
- reading 'Hansel & Gretel' by Neil Gaimon, exploring the language, character, setting, plot, and will use these as a stimulus for our own writing.
- Suspence- reading 'The Nigmare Man' by Pie Corbett, exploring the language, senses, setting, sentence openings, and using these to write our own short story.
- Newpaper Reports- using the stimulus 'The Giant's Necklace' by Michael Morpurgo and Literacy Shed resources to explore the layout of newspaper reoprts and write our own report based on a lighthouse.
We will also incorporate reading and spag with an emphasis on past papers and other revision tools.
During this term we will focus on the following aspects of mathematics:
Ratio- Language of ratio, ratio and fractions, scale drawing and scale factors.
Algebra- Formulae, equations and problems.
Decimals- rounding, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Fractions, decimals and percentages- fractions to percentages, equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages, ordering and percentages of an amount.
Area, perimeter and volume- Areas of triangles, area of parallelogram, area and perimeter and volume.
Statistics- Line and bar charts, pie charts and finding the mean.
Animals including Humans – blood and transportation
This unit takes the children through activities to identify the main parts of the circulatory system, describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood: recognise the impact of diet, exercise and drugs on their bodies functions and finally learn how to describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.
Looking after the environment
This unit explores the core concepts- ‘So what the climate is, how it changes, the difference between a man made and a natural environment and where different types of animals live’.