Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Fawcett
Ms Dean

Welcome to our Year 1 class page!
Here you will find important information about our class, as well as what we are learning about currently!
We have a range of exciting and wonderful things to look forward to.
This term, in English, the children will be practising writing in a variety ways. We will be writing a first person narrative using the story 'The Stop on Market Street'. We will also be looking at writing a narrative for the story 'Pinocchio'. As well as exploring fictional writing, children will be looking at writing non-fiction such as a biography and recounts. Biographies will be focussed on a special woman in their lives and a recount of a special event.
In Maths, Year 1 will be looking at Place Values up to 20 and 50. We will be looking at representing these numbers in various ways. Children will also get to explore units of measurments/things which can be measured; length and height, mass and volume. We will also get a chance to explore different measuring tools and have a go at using them.
In Geography, we will be answering the quesiton 'How does waether affect our lives?'. Children will be exploring the different types of weathers and their features. We will also be looking at the weather in different parts of the world. Our Geography sessions will also incorporate other subjects such as music and art as we explore how artist represent different weathers in their pieces. We will also be creating our own pieces of artwork depicting a particular weather!
In History we will be exploring the question of 'Who is the greatest history maker?' This unit provides an opportunity for our little historians to think critically about what it means when people in the past are referred to as having ‘made history’ or as ‘history makers’.
In Science, the children will be looking at Animals. We willl be looking at how animals are grouped and their different features. We will also be looking at humans.
Physical Education
PE will take place on Wednesdays and we ask that children are sent to school that day in their PE kits.
Children have been looking at controlling their own robot! We will look at how to operate our robots and get them to move from one place to another. Children will also be looking at logging data and the different ways this can be done on computers.
The following units will be coverered:
Team Games
Bat and Ball skills

Homework will be sent out every Friday and we ask that it is back by the following Wednesday so that it can be marked and new homework set. Some homework will be practical, some written all we ask is that your child tries their hardest. The children will recieve homework for:
- Maths
- English
- Spellings (tested the following Wednesday)
- Reading books
Homework is sent via paper copy