Year 6: Gallery

Painting plants and flowers, by Mrs Goulbourne

Careers Workshop 2023, by Mrs Goulbourne

Sports Day, by Mrs Goulbourne

Race for Life 2022, by Mrs Goulbourne

Rainford's Big Quiz, by Mrs Goulbourne

Learning about blood, by Mrs Goulbourne

Mexican Salsa, by Mrs Goulbourne

Party Day Fun, by Mrs Goulbourne

Rainford Athletics, by Mrs Goulbourne

Rainforest Challenge, by Mrs Goulbourne

Green Day, by Mrs Goulbourne

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fun, by Mrs Goulbourne

Careers Workshop, by Mrs Goulbourne

Year 6 SATs Party Day, by Mrs Goulbourne

Working together, by Mrs Goulbourne

Science Week, by Mrs Goulbourne

Red Nose Fun, by Mrs Goulbourne

Road Safety, by Mrs Goulbourne

Chemistry with Cabbage, by Mrs Goulbourne

Working together in maths., by Mrs Goulbourne

Halloween Fun, by Mrs Goulbourne

Y6 Space Art, by Mrs Goulbourne

Y6 Maths, by Mrs Goulbourne

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Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Old Lane,
Merseyside, WA11 8JF