This Term: Autumn 1
¡Hola! In Spanish this term, our Year 4 pupils, will learn how to introduce theirselves through the unit ‘Me Presento’, enhancing our communication skills.
In this unit pupils will gain the knowledge and skills to present themselves both orally and in written form in Spanish. This is one of the first units where previously learnt language will be integrated with newly acquired language, encouraging all pupils to use their growing bank of vocabulary. In this unit pupils focus on asking questions as well as providing accurate replies. They will demonstrate a growing understanding of grammar to manipulate language and start to create sentences of their own using a range of personal details including name, age, where they live and nationality. Pupils will be able to recall a range of core vocabulary in the foreign language (colours, numbers, basic greetings, reply to/ask simple questions) and should be beginning to grasp basic grammar concepts (gender, determiners, and plurality).
Our Topics:
Me Presento
La Casa Tudor
Me Casa
Desayuno en el Cafe