Welcome to Corpus Christi Nursery Page
Welcome to the Corpus Christi Nursery page. We hope you enjoy looking at the information and photographs. If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of our Foundation Team by ringing the school office or by email.
Tel : 01744 678102
We offer a number of 30 hour free childcare places within our Nursery. Further information can be found by contacting school or visiting
Thank you,
Mrs Bailey and Mrs Moran.
Mrs BaileyEarly Years Foundation LeaderHello, my name is Mrs Bailey I am the Early Years Foundation Stage Leader at Corpus Christi, I work in Nursery and Reception. I am really looking forward to seeing our Nursery children. I'm sure we are going to have lots of fun this year by trying new activities and sharing exciting experiences together. I am also excited to meet new parents and carers. I hope we can form solid relationships and work together to help your children to learn, develop, flourish and enjoy coming to Nursery and school. |
Mrs MoranNursery PractitionerHello, My name is Mrs Moran. I work in the Foundation Unit with lots of wonderful children. I also work in the afterschool club with children across the school. I can not wait to get back to school this September. I am sure all of the children have grown so much and can't wait to meet see new faces join our class. I am sure that by working together we will be able to help the children progress, make friends and grow in independence. |
If parents have any questions please contact school to speak to Mrs Bailey or you can email on [email protected]