During this term we will focus on the following:
Place Value
Step 1 Numbers to 20
Step 2 Count objects to 100 by making 10s
Step 3 Recognise tens and ones
Step 4 Use a place value chart
Step 5 Partition numbers to 100
Step 6 Write numbers to 100 in words
Step 7 Flexibly partition numbers to 100
Step 8 Write numbers to 100 in expanded form
Step 9 10s on the number line to 100
Step 10 10s and 1s on the number line to 100
Step 11 Estimate numbers on a number line
Step 12 Compare objects
Step 13 Compare numbers
Step 14 Order objects and numbers
Step 15 Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Step 16 Count in 3s
Addition and Subtraction
Step 1 Bonds to 10
Step 2 Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds within 20
Step 3 Related facts
Step 4 Bonds to 100 (tens)
Step 5 Add and subtract 1s
Step 6 Add by making 10
Step 7 Add three 1-digit numbers
Step 8 Add to the next 10
Step 9 Add across a 10
Step 10 Subtract across 10
Step 11 Subtract from a 10
Step 12 Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number (across a 10)
Step 13 10 more, 10 less
Step 14 Add and subtract 10s
Step 15 Add two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10)
Step 16 Add two 2-digit numbers (across a 10)
Step 17 Subtract two 2-digit numbers (not across a 10)
Step 18 Subtract two 2-digit numbers (across a 10)
Step 19 Mixed addition and subtraction
Step 20 Compare number sentences
Step 21 Missing number problems
Step 1 Recognise 2-D and 3-D shapes
Step 2 Count sides on 2-D shapes
Step 3 Count vertices on 2-D shapes
Step 4 Draw 2-D shapes
Step 5 Lines of symmetry on shapes
Step 6 Use lines of symmetry to complete shapes
Step 7 Sort 2-D shapes
Step 8 Count faces on 3-D shapes
Step 9 Count edges on 3-D shapes
Step 10 Count vertices on 3-D shapes
Step 11 Sort 3-D shapes
Step 12 Make patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes