This Term: Spring
In the Spring term, our mathematical adventure will begin with
Multiplication and Division, learning different strategies to solve problems quickly and accurately. We'll also be exploring
Length and Perimeter, measuring different objects and spaces and working out their boundaries.
Finally, we'll be tackling
Fractions and Decimals, understanding how to work with parts of a whole and seeing how they connect to each other. Get those brains buzzing!
Children will need to practice all timestables up to the 12 timestable.
We practice arithmetic every morning, so don’t forget to keep polishing those times tables at home! All Year 4 students have access to TT Rockstars to help with their practice. This is in readiness for the Year 4 statutory times tables test later this year. So, the more practice the better!!
Multiplication and division B Year 4
This is the second block, following on from the initial multiplication and division block in the Autumn term. In this block, pupils utilise the skills developed in Block A,. Initially they investigate factor pairs and multiplying & dividing by 10 and 100, they then move on to using formal written methods to multiply 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit and explore ways of partitioning 2 and 3 digits as a progression towards formal written method for division.

use factors to help solve other calculations.

Example year 4 multiplication and division B questions
1. Calculate 365 × 4
Answer: 1,460
2. 4 children participated in a sponsored swim. Each child swam 125 lengths of the pool. How many lengths did the 4 children swim in total?
Answer: 125 × 4 = 500 lengths
Length and perimeter Year 4
In year 4, pupils build on the knowledge they gained in year 3, progressing from finding the perimeter of rectangles, to finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and regular polygons. Pupils are also introduced to calculating missing lengths and to converting between units of measurement (metres and kilometres).

Example year 4 length and perimeter questions
1. What is the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 7cm and a width of 4cm?
Answer: 22cm
2. A park had fencing around the play equipment. The play area was 12m long and 8m wide. How many metres of fencing was used around the garden?
Answer: 40m
Fractions Year 4
Fractions is one of the largest blocks pupils cover in year 4, spanning 4 weeks of the spring term. At this stage pupils are introduced to mixed numbers and improper fractions, and build on their understanding of equivalent fractions and adding / subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Students also begin solving problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities.

adding fractions, including mixed numbers, with the same denominator.
Example year 4 fractions questions
1. Shade in of this rectangle:

Answer: 2 out of the 6 squares should be shaded in
2. =
3. Mason and Ahmed baked 24 cookies. Mason ate of the cookies and Ahmed ate . How much did they each eat?
Answer: Ahmed ate 4 cookies and Ahmed 3 cookies
Decimals Year 4
The topic on decimals in year 4 has been split into two blocks, with block A at the end of the spring term and block B in the summer.
Decimals A Year 4
In the first decimals block, students build on their knowledge of fractions from year 3, investigating tenths and hundredths as fractions and decimals, through the use of place value charts and number lines. Pupils are also introduced to the concept of dividing 1- and 2- digit numbers by 10 and 100.

from their place value block of work. This decimals block of work builds on this
to develop an understanding of tenths as decimals.

Example year 4 decimals A questions
1. Write as a decimal
Answer: 0.7
2. 42 ÷ 10 =
Answer: 4.2
3. What number is being shown on the place value chart?
Show a place value chart with 5 tens, 2 ones and 6 tenths
Answer: 5.26
Our Topics:
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and Division
Length and Perimeter
Properties of Shape
Position and Direction