Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School.
Here on our website you will find information about the day to day running of our school, its staff and our DREAM curriculum. Our school family is made up of hardworking, supportive and caring children, staff, governors, parents and parish members, who all provide an engaging, friendly and warm place to be, with the Gospel Values at the centre of all we do. We are a place where everyone is accepted for who they are and all children are encouraged to be the best versions of themselves.
We are a small, successful and happy school in the semi-rural village of Rainford, St Helens. Our high expectations and high standards, combined with a sense of creativity and an enthusiasm for discovery create a drive to DREAM, Believe, Achieve for all. We hope you enjoy looking at our website.
Mrs Anne-Louise Friar
Executive Headteacher